
Good or Bad Memory: A Look at the Pros and Cons 


Sometimes you can’t tell whether to like a good memory or not. Many people are at risk of dementia and they don’t even know it. No gainsaying, forgetfulness is one of the early signs of memory loss. Truly, we all tend to forget things. But when someone jogs your memory and you still blank out, that’s scary.


Here are some of the pros and cons of having a good or bad memory:


Good memory


-Academic Excellence

When you have a good memory, it helps you retain what you have learnt from classes, research and personal study. You can then showcase your sound knowledge of a subject or coursework when you nail excellent results.


-Special Moments 

You don’t need a digital assistant to remember special moments like your wedding anniversary, child’s school event, appointment with your doctor or a visa office.


-Finding Your Way

When you have a good memory, you may not need a Google map to locate a place you have once visited or newly visited. You have memorised turnings and landmarks that can help you find your way. 


-Mental Archive

Your good memory serves as a mental archive or directory for remembering dates, important telephone numbers, postal codes, passport numbers, car plate numbers, select scriptures and more. You can train yourself to remember when you consciously memorise useful things.



  • Hard to Forget Wrongdoings of Others

You find it extremely hard to forget horrible things that someone has said or done to you. Every time you see the person, you remember those horrible words or thoughts. It makes it hard for you to forgive or let go.


Bad Memory


-You are quick to forget wrongdoings

Due to bad memory, you are likely to easily forget details of what someone did to offend you. You often need to rely on instinct when your memory fails you.


-You can feign ignorance 

Now that everyone knows you are forgetful, you can easily feign ignorance even when you have not forgotten something.




  • You disappoint Others

Due to your forgetfulness, you miss deadlines, appointments, dates and important moments. Good sleeping habits and essential vitamins can help to improve your memory.


  • You fail exams and tests

As you quickly forget details, you don’t easily pass exams and tests. Your brain selects what you remember and sometimes, you still forget important things. Reading ahead in instalments can help to improve your cognitive skills.


  • You can deny the truth

You are likely to deny the truth because you have forgotten what you had said to someone or about something. This part is dangerous because you can give a false witness too. 


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