
10 Bad Habits You Need to Quit This Week


It’s the start of another week and yes, you need more than just a change of outfits. You need to change your attitude at work by letting go of some bad office habits that are unproductive and sometimes reek of bad energy. The workplace should be an environment for others to thrive and it can be difficult for you or others to grow if you continue with these ten bad office habits.




Unless you’re in an industry where it’s acceptable to be fashionably late, being late means you are not considerate of others who need you to be at work on time. When you form the habit of always being late, it’s hard to break- even when you move closer to your office. Whether you work from home or in-person, be punctual.




Office gossip may seem exciting at first until you are the subject of it. Most gossip is based on lies or truths that no-one has the business of sharing. Gossip can be scandalous, targeted at ruining the reputation of others. Don’t join the gossip pool and be firm about not tolerating it. Remove yourself from a WhatsApp group when it becomes a platform for gossip. 


Provocative Dressing


You are a baddie- yes we know. But keep that off your office territory. Stop parading your  sexually provocative clothing around your colleagues, some of whom are married or in very committed relationships. Even if you are comfortable in your sexuality, others may be uncomfortable with that and well, you will invite all shades of attention- especially the kinds that may likely overshadow your competence and skills. If you have a hard-line conservative female boss, she will stand in your way of getting promotion or other opportunities just because of your dressing. Avoid extremely tight clothes, deep plunging necklines, butt grabbing fabrics and see-throughs for your office look.




Have you set your eye on a colleague with a promising career ahead? Instead of scheming to bury the colleague alive with your schemes, why not concentrate on building yours? You are working so hard on making a fellow colleague look bad so that you can rise. You forget that those who step on others’ shoulders to rise are at the risk of a harder fall from the top. Focus on learning new skills to stay relevant in your career and stop scheming to destroy others in order to shine.



AI-generated image of an African woman in an office

Whatever work that needs to be done should be done with the needed urgency. Don’t pile up work and wait to be pushed to deliver all the time. Be committed. 


Social Media Addiction 


You’re all over social media like a content creator. You comment everywhere and spend longer hours online than on your duty. Before you post, make sure that you have fulfilled all or most of your daily deliverables. Your client might be a fan or a follower so, always come correct.


Bad Sitting Habits


Many usually take this for granted but the way you sit in the office really matters. Avoid slouching. Master the boundaries and don’t sit where you’re not meant to. 




Some people like to talk about themselves a lot. While this may not in itself be a bad thing, it becomes distasteful when you are constantly speaking about your achievements and accomplishments and how many great people think that you’re great too. Habitually, you paint a very magnificent picture of who you are and your listener knows that it is far from reality. It could be borderline grandiose delusion and you should endeavour to see a therapist if you are guilty of this.




You tend to overshare the progress you or your family members are making in life: your daughter’s graduation and her fiance’s lucrative job; your wife’s new promotion; 


Parasitic Behaviour 


If you’re constantly borrowing a charger, power bank, pen, money, and other things from colleagues, it’s just a low class behaviour. Or you’re always hitching a ride without dropping some tip or caring for snacks, you’re being parasitic. Wherever you take, attempt to give back in a way or another. Friends appreciate messages of appreciation, prayers or a thoughtful gift when they have given much more to you. 


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