In Sub-Saharan Africa, it is not only farmers that look forward to the rainy season. Many long for the cool weather and natural water for their garden. For some, the rain is a perfect excuse not to leave the house. While some relentless rainy days can be really frustrating, there’s no doubt that the best prepared people enjoy the season as it comes.


To ensure you and your household are not caught off-guard by the rain, here are some tips on how to prepare for the rainy season:


Be Abreast of Weather Reports

Whether it is Google updates or local authorities’ announcement or forewarning, be sure to follow weather reports around you. Follow traffic reports to know areas that are prone to flood and avoid them if you can.



Apologies to Rihanna, but we can’t help remembering those lines every time the word ‘umbrella’ comes to mind. Never forget to keep a small umbrella in your bag or an extra-large umbrella in your car. 


Get Durable Raincoats

Ensure you buy durable raincoats instead of the disposable ones. Durable raincoats can be reused multiple times. The problem with the latter is that they easily get torn and become plastic waste that can easily be swept off by the rain to clog public drainage systems.


Trim the Trees

Perhaps there is no better time to trim your trees than now. Windy rain can cause damage around your home or offices. Fell a tree before danger befalls an unsuspecting person.


Recycle Rainwater

Do you currently reside where there is a shortage of water? The rainwater can be a good source of water for cleaning floors, toilets and in good cases doing laundry. Position containers where the raindrops seem to gather and trickle. Channel the rainwater into your garden.


The love for Shoes is Waterproof  

You need to add waterproof shoes to the items you need if you don’t have one already. You may need boots if your street turns your home to a mini-island whenever it rains. Style up your look to be presentable at all events in waterproof shoes. With the sharp increase in prices of good quality shoes, it’s no brainer that your love for shoes needs to transcend designer labels. Buy functionality; ditch fad.


Waterproof Bags

Too many freak rains have toyed with the intelligence of young men commuting with documents in hand inside commercial buses. Kind ladies have always come to the rescue but don’t take it for granted that they will always be around when it rains.


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