Film & Television

Is ‘A Sunday Affair’ Less Predictable than Other Romance Stories?



A largely picturesque movie, A Sunday Affair directed by Walter Taylaur comes with a rather unpredictable plot which makes it quite interesting. Starring Dakore Akande, Nse Ikpe-Etim and Oris Erhuero, the romantic drama is built on the story of a love triangle. 

Two best friends, Uche and Toyin, got entangled in a relationship with Sunday Oyeyemi, a soon-to-be divorced man torn between the two friends. The craftsmanship of the story leaves very little room for a judgemental audience- with a hope to raise issues in love relationships and create an understanding on why some women are sometimes caught up in situations that are beneath what is deemed commonsensical or moral.


Set in Lagos, Nigeria, the plot explores the struggle of older women seeking for love and motherhood. On the one hand, Toyin is on the verge of seeking an unconventional medical approach to childbearing when a new romance switches up her plans.

On the other hand, Uche- the ice queen- has resigned herself from love to accepting to be single with an active sex life. But the encounter with Sunday turned her around more than a church service could. Her character evolved- growing from a wanton fun-seeking woman to one that is beginning to fall in love with a less guarded heart.


Also, Sunday gets away with using two women: one is intellectually fulfilling while the other is a sex match. Indeed, many will argue that men are usually on the benefitting end of a messed up relationship. And they will be right. Sunday will have to live with some measure of guilt and grief if that happens in real life. But who cares?

In all, A Sunday Affair is a deeply provocative drama that raises questions about the supremacy of love over desires. Sadly, the story of Sunday Affair, like many stories around single women, didn’t try to improve on the picture of single womanhood that is painted in the media: lonely, needy and pitiable. To remove the stigma that has long been imagined, projected or associated with singleness, every storyteller should be mindful of the danger of one-sided storytelling.

-Written by Yinka Olatunbosun, a culture journalist.


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