
5 Fruits You Need to Survive The Hot Climate 

As many parts of Europe and North America are covered in snow, the climate in Sub-Saharan Africa is increasingly hot. For the average African, refreshing with cold water or fizzy drinks on-the-go is the best way to rehydrate. But nutritionists will advise natural sources for replenishment of lost nutrients. The continent has a variety of fruit choices some of which are processed and sold at retail shops. Nature offers the best vitamins and we’re just about to fill you in on the options for rehydration that are pocket-friendly, great for heart and skin health.

  1. Watermelon

Does Harry Styles remind you of watermelon? Sure, anyone can get high on watermelon for its juicy redness covered with a green rind. This fruit is rich in antioxidants and contains anti-cancerous plant compounds.

  1. Berries

The average cost may be high for most minimum wage earners but you can add it to your list when you are recuperating from surgery or some blood loss. Whether it’s blueberry or strawberry, berries are good sources of vitamin C, reducing risk factors for heart disease.

  1. Pineapples

Pineapples are your friend in need too. While medication may help you heal fast, pineapples do it faster. And for those who ‘push’ like pregnant women in labour in the washroom, pineapples aid digestion.

  1. African Star Apple

Popularly called ‘Agbalumo’ among the Yorubas, this fruit also contains good amounts of vitamins A and C higher, in fact than levels found in oranges or guava. Star apples are also quite rich in iron- an healthy substitute for non-red meat eaters.

African Star Apple

  1. Cucumber

This is perhaps the cheapest fruit in African markets now. Not listed in most people’s favourites, anyone can fall in love with cucumber when it is used to embellish the dishes. Be creative: slice it, chop it and blend it into a smoothie recipe for the best culinary experience.

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