
Unveiling New Book ‘Sacred Art of Odu Ifa’  

A new limited-edition book titled ‘Sacred Art of Odu Ifa’ inspired by a dream is out. Written against the backdrop of the dream of the consummate African- American jazz impresario and musical innovator, John Coltrane, this book is a celebration of the Odu of Ifa signs, binary writing image of divination system practised by the Yoruba people of West Africa and African Diaspora.

Coltrane holds the view that traditional wisdom should have a prominent place in new millennium thinking, with an exciting mode of communication.

Hence, in this book, the author Babalola summarises the philosophical essence of each of the 16 principal odus in writing and vividly stunning self-illustrated artistic aesthetics.

Sixteen essential life situations are represented which have sixteen possible variations each. Through these linked concepts of order, creation, and destiny, the narratives of each odu have created the prayer that would enhance the motion of the human life cycle and well-being.

As demonstrated in the book, each Odu of Ifa has its own music, food, herbal prescription, iconic symbols, stories, allegory, morality, meaning and divination, colour system, dance, sensibility, poetry, and therapeutic effects.

“That the celebration of the art and writing of the sixteen major sacred Odu of Ifa in the African Diaspora and their influence on contemporary art will help you too to feel connected to this energy and motion, and that you too will appreciate the power and majesty of the work created for Sacred Art of Odu Ifa,” says Babalola.

#books #ifabooks #ifafuturism #philosophy #oduifa #binarycode #idea #contemporaryart


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