
5 Things You Need to Prepare An Earth-Friendly Love Garden

Earth Garden

Earth Garden

Don’t you just like the aroma of February? Yes, the month has been designated for the celebration of love across the world. It’s 14th day – the Valentine’s day- has been embraced by individuals and groups from diverse cultures and race as a period for gift sharing.

The gestures that go towards these expressions of love have been seeming unsurmountable every year. Overtime, unconventional and innovative ideas have gone into gift giving and presentation. Budget is also a factor in curating a beautiful gift giving experience.

Whether you live in Africa or not, if you are an earth-friendly, garden loving person who is looking for ideas to either create or reinvent a secret space as a private hideaway to have the feel of a love garden or curate your outdoor as an escape from reality, here are five tips to ensuring a sustainable-themed romantic garden.

  1. Recyclable Planters

For small spaces like the balcony, a porch or even a private corner of your room or apartment, recyclable planters such as paint containers can be redesigned to hold your flowers.

For sustainable gardens, please avoid the use of peat as this is said to contain a large amount of carbon which when damaged releases a major amount of greenhouse gases. Avoid the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Going organic is the best if you are doing some subsistence farming as well.

  1. Watering Cans

Learn to save water. Using watering cans instead of hoses attached to taps is one way to do this especially where there is no rain water yet. Grow bee-friendly plants that would attract pollinators to help increase wildlife population. Take note of plants that would thrive in the temperate that you reside. For example, in Nigeria where the average temperature in the month of February is 330C, flowers such as the Sunflower, and the Crown of Thorns would be a nice addition to your collection. The Mother-in-law’s tongue and the cactus are popular choices for flower pots.

  1. Hand Pruner

Spending some time trimming the rough edges is like nurturing your marriage or relationship. You can outsource it but you will miss the luxury of clean supply of oxygen when you do. You can save your time by letting someone else do it. Whatever you decide, just get the tool.

  1. Go Gazebo

If you have a sizeable budget for your outdoor garden, you might want to build a gazebo to make the space enjoyable or you could hang a hammock or have garden furniture made out of recyclable materials such as used car tyres.


  1. Light ‘em Up

Wind chimes, hanging plant pots and some decorative lights such as string lights are garden accessories that would spice up your space.

Remember that nurturing an earth-friendly, sustainable garden is a good way of giving back to the earth. It is actually the most innovative gift idea.


Written by Olatundun Aihie, a Geoscientist and clean energy aficionado.

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